Monday, September 19, 2011

September Fitness Tips

Expert answers to your health and wellness questions

By Shelby Hill

Question: I’m not a particularly great cook, and I seem to eat a lot of boxed foods. Is this a problem if health is one of my primary goals?
Answer: It really depends on the specific foods you’re eating, but it’s definitely advantageous to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables and all-natural whole grains as possible, not to mention fresh meats and seafood. That said, convenience, price, and several other factors most likely play into your food choices as well, so choosing the best foods 100% of the time may not be all that practical. My advice to you would be to move in the direction of fresh foods as much as you can, given your particular lifestyle. And remember, you don’t have to be a great cook to reap the health benefits of nutrient-dense foods. They may taste better if you know how to properly prepare them, but it’s pretty easy to throw together some chicken or fish with a cooked whole grain and some veggies for a quick and easy (and healthy) dinner. I would also recommend taking a basic cooking class so you can learn a new skill—one that will continue to pay health dividends moving forward.

Question: I hate getting sick. Can you provide some tips and hints to keep me healthy throughout the winter months?
Answer: I’m with you—being sick sucks! Luckily, there are a couple tried and true habits that will help you avoid the latest bug. First of all, wash your hands frequently, and by all means, avoid touching your face (especially your eyes, nose, and mouth). Drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of sleep (people forget how important this is to a healthy immune system), and get a flu shot as well. It goes without saying that a healthful diet is ideal, but I would also recommend a good quality multivitamin/ mineral supplement too, since most people struggle to eat a balanced and varied diet on a daily basis. But to me, the most effective way to avoid illness is to stay away from people that are already sick. This can certainly be a challenge, especially if you have kids, but do your best. Put these tips to good use, and you should be able to skirt through the winter with nothing more than the occasional head cold, if that!

Question: I’m big into weightlifting, but I’m not a huge fan of cardio. Is there a way for me to enhance heart health without hopping on one of the traditional pieces of cardio equipment for 45 minutes at the gym?
Answer: Yes—absolutely! Cardio doesn’t necessarily mean you have to get on the bike, treadmill, or elliptical. You simply need to get your heart rate up and that can be accomplished during your weight training sessions. Doing compound sets or supersets, or intense circuits with very little rest, will definitely get your heart rate kicking, and these provide the fitness and health benefits you’re looking for. You can get active in plenty of other ways too, without feeling like a hamster on a wheel. Try playing one of your favorite sports or go hiking in a nearby park. Even tubing or sledding in the wintertime can provide a good cardiovascular workout. Just think outside the box a little and keep the focus on fun!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August Trainer Tips

Expert answers to your health and wellness questions

By Shelby Hill

Question: I usually skip breakfast, but I keep reading how good it is for me. What are the best options for breakfast foods?
Answer:  Eating breakfast in the morning is a great way to jumpstart your day. It helps boost your metabolism and keeps you focused longer at work. Some say eating something is always better than nothing, and while this is generally true, there are some foods that are much more beneficial to include in the day’s first meal. Eggs are always a great way to get protein and healthy fats into your system, and also keep you feeling full longer. Whole grains are another crucial component to remember for your breakfast. Whole wheat toast with a sugar-free fruit spread is healthy option that contains anti-oxidants and fiber. Fruits and vegetables should be incorporated when possible—they supply nutritious carbohydrates that keep the body energized and feeling awake. I’m assuming everyone is waiting for their beloved cup of coffee to make this list. Well, fear not, coffee is also a low-calorie option, assuming you’re not ordering a large caramel swirl sugar-filled latte. Adding some fat-free skim milk to black coffee is an excellent way to get your daily calcium requirements and it also contains numerous vitamins and minerals. Whether you eat your breakfast on-the-go, or make time for a formal sit-down meal, be sure include healthy options, while still keeping your breakfast convenient to you.

Question: I work inside all day and don’t see much sun. Should I be supplementing with vitamin D?
Answer: It depends. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is absorbed in conjunction with calcium, promoting healthy bone growth. Vitamin D can be ingested through food or supplement, but it can also be produced by the body when in direct sunlight. The daily recommended amount of vitamin D is 10 μg. This is including any vitamin D absorbed from UV rays. Fortunately, that only requires a short amount of sunlight (about 15 minutes) to get the daily recommendation, depending on where you live and how intense the sun rays are. During the colder months, vitamin D can be ingested from foods such as: fish, milk, mushrooms, and fortified cereals. If all of those approaches don’t seem to work, supplementing vitamin D is a feasible option that should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Question: All of my runs tend to be on flat ground. What are the benefits of running hills?
Answer:  Hill running is one of the best workouts to consider when training for races. It helps build muscle, improve speed, and can take your endurance to a whole new level. Picking the right hill to run can sometimes be a chore—it’s important to find one that isn’t too steep or too flat. You should find a hill that is about a quarter mile long and steep enough to provide a challenge, but flat enough that you aren’t putting too much strain on your ankles and shins, causing injury. Always begin a hill workout with a short 5-10 minute warm up. Loosen the muscles so that they are primed for a strenuous run. On your first hill workout, aim for 4 repetitions—run up the hill, jog down, repeat. Gradually increase repetitions when you begin to feel stronger and ready. The results of hill running are both physiologically and biomechanically rewarding. An avid hill runner will likely have an increased oxygen capacity, stronger and more defined leg muscles, and improved stride length and frequency (increased length from running uphill, increased frequency from running downhill). Another benefit from frequent hill running is the ability to “relax” when running, keeping the upper body from tensing up. Running hills for every workout is not recommended and can enhance injury risk, but adding a hill workout every 7-10 days is a sure way to reach noticeable and satisfying results.